Family Planning Toolkit
The Family Planning Toolkit is a community-driven, evidence-based interactive toolkit designed to be used by community health workers (such as home visitors). The toolkit addresses ongoing challenges in the field, such as: myths and misconceptions, challenges with access to services, provider mistrust, male partner engagement, and overall goal setting and pregnancy planning. Learn more about this project here:
"My Birth Control Journey" Map
In partnership with the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs and B'more for Healthy Babies (BHB), the "My Birth Control Journey" Map and corresponding interviews with analysis explores birth control decision making among Baltimore women who are participants in the BHB community programming. This IRB-approved research study addresses two overarching questions for the participants: (1) why are they choosing to use, or not use, birth control? and (2) What influences their decisions to use, or not use, birth control? Published wrtie-up pending.